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265+ health tests
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New! 15 behavior tests
50+ traits tests
Genetic consult for 'at risk' health findings
Screen for 365+ breeds
25+ health tests
Find your dog's relatives
New! 2 behavior tests
50+ trait tests
Screen for 365+ breeds
Test for MDR1 (drug medication sensitivities)
Find your dog's relatives
New! 2 behavior tests
Screen for 365+ breeds
265+ health tests
Find your dog's relatives
New! 15 behavior tests
50+ traits tests
Genetic consult for 'at risk' health findings
Screen for 365+ breeds
25+ health tests
Find your dog's relatives
New! 2 behavior tests
50+ trait tests
Screen for 365+ breeds
Test for MDR1 (drug medication sensitivities)
Find your dog's relatives
New! 2 behavior tests
Screens for 70+ breeds and populations
45+ health tests
25+ trait tests
Genetic consult for 'at risk' health findings
Friendly, intelligent cats, Japanese Bobtails are always up for an adventure. They’re loyal to their people and get along well with other pets and kids. Plus, having a Japanese Bobtail in the family is considered good luck.