As the world’s leading pet DNA testing service, we’re always searching for ways to make our products available to even more pet parents around the globe. That’s why we’re so excited to share today’s announcement: Wisdom Panel™ is now available in China under the name WeiSi Pet Genetics. While our Chinese brand name may be different, our global customers will still get the same industry-leading results Wisdom Panel™ is famous for.

What sets Wisdom Panel™ apart?
1. A rich history in pet genetics
For more than 20 years, our scientists and veterinarians have worked to develop the world’s most advanced pet DNA tests. We’ve collaborated with leading academic institutions, innovative research labs, and Banfield Pet Hospital™, to make technological advancements that improve test accuracy and speed while minimizing costs for you.
2. Breed results down to 1%.
If your dog is 99% Shih Tzu and 1% Pekingese, you’ll know it. With Wisdom Panel™ there’s no ambiguity around your dog’s genetic makeup. Our breed detection system screens for 350+ breeds and gives you results down to 1% so you can feel confident about knowing exactly what their breed makeup includes.
3. Our science only gets smarter over time.
So far, we’ve tested over 3 million pets. With this many results to pull data from, our algorithm will only continue to get sharper, making our comprehensive DNA tests even more advanced.

What pet DNA products will be available in China?
Wisdom Panel™ (WeiSi Pet Genetics) currently has a dog DNA test and a cat DNA test available to Chinese customers. Our tests offer insights into breed, health, traits, relatives and more. With both tests, you can use the results to personalize your pet’s care based on their unique needs—and share important findings with our pet expert and your veterinarian.
Wisdom Panel™ 伟思™宠物基因检测正式进入中国
作为全球领先的宠物健康营养服务的领导者,玛氏Kinship的Wisdom Health
Genetics通过Wisdom Panel™ 伟思™宠物基因检测服务改变宠物健康行业的未来,并服务全球更多的宠物家庭。通过超20年的时间积累 ,借助世界上最大品种数据库开发更智能的基因测试,帮助人们实现了解猫狗祖源,以及身体特征和健康状况的初衷。因为只有宠物主人知道的越多,才能更好地调整宠物的训练,营养和医疗措施来满足它们的个体需求,共同建立一个更美好的宠物世界。
今天,我们很高兴的宣布Wisdom Panel™伟思™宠物基因检测正式进入中国市场!
Wisdom Panel™在中国的官方名称为“伟思宠物基因检测”。
是什么让Wisdom Panel™ 伟思™宠物基因检测与众不同?
1. 丰富的宠物基因研究历史
伟思联合全球知名的科学家、兽医师花费超过20年共同致力于研发全球最为先进的宠物DNA检测技术。我们与全球领先的科研机构、创新实验室和全球知名的宠物医院Banfield Pet Hospital™合作,以取得先进科学进步,使得您花费最少的成本,获得最为精准先进的基因检测信息。
2. 品种基因结果精确至 1%.
就算您家的狗狗仅仅只有1%的京巴犬基因,您也会了解这一点!有了 Wisdom Panel™ 伟思™宠物基因检测,您的狗的基因构成就不会模棱两可了。我们的品种检测系统可筛选超过350 多个品种,并为您提供低至 1% 的结果,因此您可以精确了解他们的品种基因构成。
3. 比任何时刻都“智慧”的科学技术
到目前为止,我们已经测试了超过 300 万只宠物,而中国的宠物主与宠物们的参与,会使得我们的算法更加精确,让我们的 DNA 的结果取得更多突破。
当前,伟思宠物基因检测在中国精选了两条产品线给到狗狗与猫咪,主要的产品内容包括祖源信息、遗传疾病筛查与特征检测功能。除此之外, 伟思宠物基因还在不断更新产品功能,