Screen for 365+ breeds
260+ health tests
New! 15 behaviour tests
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50+ traits tests
Genetic consult for 'at risk' health findings
Screen for 365+ breeds
25+ health tests
New! 2 behaviour tests
Find your dog's relatives
50+ trait tests
Screen for 365+ breeds
Test for MDR1 (drug medication sensitivities)
Find your dog's relatives
New! 2 behaviour tests
Screen for 365+ breeds
260+ health tests
New! 15 behaviour tests
Find your dog's relatives
50+ traits tests
Genetic consult for 'at risk' health findings
Screen for 365+ breeds
25+ health tests
New! 2 behaviour tests
Find your dog's relatives
50+ trait tests
Screen for 365+ breeds
Test for MDR1 (drug medication sensitivities)
Find your dog's relatives
New! 2 behaviour tests
Intelligent, quiet and friendly, Whippets make great companions as long as they get plenty of exercise. They are fairly low-maintenance, but require attention around cats and wildlife, since they have a tendency to chase after them.