Decode the wags and wiggles that let you know your pet is loving life.
Keep ReadingWe just published the most comprehensive study of dog traits ever completed. Here’s what we learned after examining nearly 12,000 dogs from 212 breeds.
Keep ReadingAllergic to dogs and curious about hypoallergenic dog breeds? Learn the truth about hypoallergenic dogs and whether they really eliminate allergies.
Keep ReadingIt’s so hard to resist the appeal of puppy dog eyes. And that’s by design. Learn the story behind how dogs developed the ability to make facial expressions.
Keep ReadingThe genes a dog inherits from his parents determine his physical traits. In this post, discover how DNA influenced your pup’s unique look.
Keep ReadingHow many Mexican dog breeds can you name? In this post, you’ll learn about Chihuahuas, Mexican Hairless Dogs, and Mexican Street Dogs.
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