Decode the wags and wiggles that let you know your pet is loving life.
Keep ReadingA brief look at the history of the livestock guardian dogs that have protected territory, property, and flocks in the Himalayas for thousands of years.
Keep ReadingBreeds and landraces are both used to distinguish groups of dogs with distinct characteristics. But the traits of landraces are more heavily influenced by their natural surroundings (among other differences).
Keep ReadingAnd that’s good news for Collie and Sheltie breeders.
Keep ReadingMyDogDNA and Optimal Selection Canine now include a linkage test for Lafora Disease.
Keep ReadingThe world's most accurate dog DNA test is also the most informative. With our latest update, gain even more insights into your pup's health and traits.
Keep ReadingWisdom Panel Essential, Wisdom Panel Premium, MyDogDNA and Optimal Selection Canine now include a test for Chondrodystrophy (CDDY) and Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) Risk.
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