Decode the wags and wiggles that let you know your pet is loving life.
Keep ReadingCue the confetti—it's time to celebrate. Wisdom Panel has delivered DNA insights on more than 4,000,000 dogs and cats. And we've used our database to power genetic research that helps pets live longer, healthier lives. See how we do it (and why it matters).
Keep ReadingInterested in a toy dog breed? Learn more about these small but mighty breeds and what it takes to keep them happy in your home.
Keep ReadingLearn the science behind some of the most unique—and in some cases rare—physical appearances in dogs and cats.
Keep ReadingKnowing your cat's blood type can help you keep your feline friend healthy during certain life stages or events.
Keep ReadingSadly, no pet can live forever. But some dog and cat breeds do live longer than others.
Keep ReadingA new open-access genome database will enable researchers to advance their studies and improve pet health.
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